Robert Sorby – Commitment to sustainability

At Robert Sorby, we’re committed to making our working practices as environmentally friendly as possible and constantly seeking ways to reduce our carbon footprint. Our tools are designed to last a lifetime and are the very antithesis of ‘throwaway’ culture.

We send very little to landfills. All our wood and steel offcuts are sorted, reused and recycled. All our packaging is recycled, and even the wood shavings from manufacturing our tool handles are sent to a local stable.

Our new premises are energy-efficient, well-insulated and use low-energy lighting throughout. 

Wherever possible, we ‘buy local,’ working with Sheffield-based suppliers and businesses to reduce fuel consumption and support our local economy.

We also work hard to ensure the health and well-being of our staff, and we have invested in a state-of-the-art filtration system that extracts wood dust and wet and dry matter from the working environment. 

We will continue our commitment to sustainability and the well-being of our staff.