Hollowing and Internal Shaping
Robert Sorby tools recommended for hollowing and internal shaping in conjunction with the SteadyPro are;
- Sovereign Ultima SOV16S-ULTS & SOV22S-ULTM
- Swan Neck Hollowing Tools 855 & 859
- HollowMaster RS230KT & Midi HollowMaster RS130KT
- Multi-tipped Hollowing Tool RS200KT & Midi Multi-Tipped hollowing tool RS100KT
- Extra Long Multi-Tipped Hollowing Tool SOV-RS300
- Any of the TurnMaster Range
- Deep Hollowing Reverse Hooker Tool RS210
- Swivel Tip Probes 8801H & 8802H
External Shaping, Scraping and Finishing
Recommended Robert Sorby tools for external shaping, scraping and finishing to use with the SteadyPro are;
- Any of the TurnMaster Range
- Round Nose Scraper 820H
- Square End Scraper 823H
- Curved Scraper 828H
- Round/Side Scraper 824H
- Diamond/Side Scraper 825H
- Heavy Duty Scrapers 8004LH, 8007LH & 8008LH
- Extra Heavy Duty Scrapers 8012H, 8013H, 8014H & 8015H
- Box Hollower 803H
- Mushroom Tool 804H
This product must be used with care and appropriate PPE worn during use. Please read our User Guide before use.
The Robert Sorby SteadyPro System comes with the world renowned Robert Sorby lifetime guarantee.
We recommend applying a light oil to the rollers when not in use to keep them in perfect condition.